about the title

You may wonder, why "Ideas and Iterates"?  I stole this from someone whose name I don't remember now who was interviewing for a position in the Department of Art at Mississippi State University (my wife was a member of the search committee).  His teaching philosophy was that students need to ideate and iterate.  That's clearly appropriate for students in the arts and humanities; indeed, brainstorming ideas and then refining them is the way to good results. But I assert that this philosophy is a good one for life.  I have lots of ideas.  Some of them I discard immediately, dismissing them as silly or useless.  Some of them stick, though.  Occasionally I'll get lucky and the first draft works; more often, however, I have to overhaul, tweak, and refine until I get it right. 

Once a person stops working this way, though, it's over.  So my advice to all of you:  ideate and iterate.

(Here's an unrelated parenthetical remark.  When I typed the word "occasionally" above I had to pause to make sure it was correct (it is, by the way).  I'm a very good speller (I even won the Northwest Junior High School spelling bee in 8th grade), but every now and then a word looks completely foreign.  Here's my favorite online resource for looking up words: Wordnik. One of the creators is a very smart woman named Erin McKean, who I happen to know from high school. She's a self-styled "dictionary evangelist" and loves all things related to words and their meanings. Wordnik is an interesting site in that it not only gives you definitions and pronunciations, it also gives real-time examples (via twitter, for example) of how the word is being used now. There are also statistical analyses of how often words get used and how that has changed over time. I encourage you to check it out.)

The Inaugural Post

Most people, if probed deeply enough, will admit to being resistant to change.  It's human nature; we like comfortable ruts.  Routine makes us feel safe. I am no different in this regard.  I had a comfortable existence in Starkville, MS, and while it wasn't perfect, it was pretty good.  I had a comfortable home, a comfortable job, a comfortable group of great friends, a comfortable bagel shop.  No reason to change anything, really.

But here's the problem:  our ruts can lull us to sleep, and I was starting to get awfully sleepy.  I enjoyed my work as a mathematician and professor, and my position as associate director of the Shackouls Honors College at Mississippi State University provided some interesting new challenges, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed a bigger change in my life.  My family was up for a new adventure, too, so I began looking around for the right opportunity.  I never expected to find it in Gainesville, Florida.

I began work as Director of the UF Honors Program on July 1, 2009.  I've learned a lot already, but, like the newly-arrived freshmen who I've watched move into Hume this week, I know nothing.  What we also have in common is opportunity.  I have the chance to make the UF Honors Program into the gold standard by which such programs are judged; our students have the chance to learn, grow, and make an unprecedented impact on the world.

This blog is something of a change for me, too.  I tried blogging once (you can find it here, but I don't recommend it), but I didn't have much of a purpose then.  My goal is to use this as a forum to disseminate information about Honors at UF, and to discuss my philosophy of honors education.  There may also be random musings about things that have nothing to do with honors or college or anything else really.  That's the blogger's license.  Comments welcome (be civil, please).

So, welcome to the UF Honors Program.  Together we can make it an amazing place to be.

Kevin Knudson, Director